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 Fishing Derby Registration

Select number of participants

Please note: participants must bring their own fishing poles. One small container of bait will be provided for each participant. Additional bait may be available for purchase (while supplies last.)

By registering you agree to the following: 

    On behalf of myself and/or my minor child, I understand that part of the facility and experience involves activities and group interactions that may be new to us, and that they come with uncertainties beyond what we may be used to dealing with at home, including but not limited to uneven terrain, collisions, being struck by thrown objects, insects, wild and domestic animals, inclement weather, remote locations, communicable diseases including but not limited to COVID-19, and other risks, including use of the facility by members of the public. I am aware of these risks and are assuming them on behalf of me and my child. We realize that no environment is risk-free, and understand and, if applicable, have instructed my child on the importance of abiding by the facility’s rules, and we agree that we are familiar with these rules and will obey them.

    To the fullest extent permissible by law, user agrees to save and hold harmless HOPEsudbury, Camp Sewataro, LLC, the Town of Sudbury, and Pop Up RC, including its owners, employees, trustees, agents or officers from and against any claim, suit, cause of action settlement or judgment brought against it by any party arising out of user’s breach of its duty of reasonable care or intentional act arising out of  user’s use of the property or facilities, including attorneys fees and other costs of suit, and further to waive any and all claims or causes of action against HOPEsudbury, Camp Sewataro, LLC, the Town of Sudbury and Pop Up RC, except those that are the result of their gross negligence or intentional acts. 

    User authorizes HOPEsudbury to allow their photo to appear in promotional and educational materials without identification. A HOPEsudbury-sanctioned photographer may take photos or video during planned events for promotional or educational use. User understands that HOPEsudbury uses social media outlets (such as Facebook and Instagram) that allow for comments and "tagging" by users.

Thanks for registering. See you at the Derby!

regisration form

© 2020 by HOPEsudbury



Tax ID# 55-0796459

Mailing Address:


P.O. Box 802

Sudbury, MA 01776

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