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The HOPEmeals program is temporarily on hold;
we apologize for any inconvenience.

HOPE Meals
Request Form

IMPORTANT: If you are completing this application for yourself, please provide proof of Sudbury, MA residency. We can not process your application without proof of residency. Acceptable forms of proof include government-issued ID, utility bills, lease agreement, or any official document that includes your name and residential address. If you need assistance please email us at

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What is making this time difficult?



Certification of application: 

I have read, understood, and agree to the HOPEmeals FAQs.  I understand that my eligibility is dependent on me filling out this application truthfully and to the best of my ability. I promise that the information contained on this application is truthful. If information is found to be untruthful, your household may be ineligible for HOPEsudbury programs.  I authorize HOPEsudbury to verify the information provided. 

Release of Information: 

I hereby give permission for this application and the information contained within it to be shared with HOPEsudbury Board Members for purposes of approval and program management.  HOPEsudbury shall have no liability related to the release of information. This application may be executed by electronic signature, which shall be considered an original signature for all purposes and shall have the same force and effect as an original signature.

We're sorry; the HOPEmeals program is temporarily on hold and we are unable to fulfill requests at the moment. We apologize for any inconveience.

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